Bicycle Network Modelling with r5py

Transport Modelling
Web data
Analysing service coverage in London’s Santander Bike network.

Rich Leyshon


February 13, 2024


r5py is a relatively new transport modelling package available on PyPI. It provides convenient wrappers to Conveyal’s r5 Java library, a performant routing engine originating from the ubiquitous Open Trip Planner (OTP). Whereas r5py may not be as feature-rich as OTP, its unique strength is in the production of origin:destination matrices at scale. This is important if the intention is to produce stable statistics based on routing algorithms, where the idiosyncrasies of local transport service availability means that departure times can have a significant impact upon overall journey duration.

r5py achieves stable statistics by calculating travel times over multiple journeys within a time window, returning summaries such as the median travel time from point A to B.

A Note on the Purpose

This tutorial aims to familiarise the reader with r5py and how it integrates with the python geospatial ecosystem of packages. This article is not to be used to attempt to infer service quality outcomes. Limitations of this analysis and suggested improvements will be discussed throughout.

Intended Audience

Experienced python practitioners with a robust working knowledge of the typical python GIS stack, eg geopandas, shapely and folium and coordinate reference systems (CRS). Familiarity with r5py is not assumed.


  • Ingest London bike charging station locations.
  • Visualise charging stations in an interactive hex map.
  • Generate a naive point plane of destinations.
  • Check that the point plane is large enough to accommodate station locations.
  • Adjust point plane locations to ensure routability.
  • Calculate origin:destination travel time matrix, by cycling modality and with a maximum journey time of 30 minutes.
  • Engineer features to help analyse the cycling network accessibility.
  • Visualise the cycling network coverage and the most remote points within that area.

What You’ll Need:


Configuring Java

It is required to configure a Java Virtual Machine for this tutorial. The transport routing depends on this. Please consult the r5py installation documentation [1] for guidance. In order to check that you have a compatible Java environment, run r5py.TransportNetwork(osm_pth) after exercise 1. For reference, I have used OpenJDK to manage my Java instance:

openjdk 11.0.19 2023-04-18 LTS
OpenJDK Runtime Environment Corretto- (build 11.0.19+7-LTS)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Corretto- (build 11.0.19+7-LTS, mixed mode)

London Cycle Station Service Coverage

Start by loading the required packages.

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import os
import subprocess
import tempfile 
from typing import Union

import contextily as ctx
import folium
import geopandas as gpd
from haversine import haversine, Unit
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import pydeck as pdk
import pyproj
import r5py
import requests
from sklearn import preprocessing
from shapely.geometry import LineString, Point, Polygon

Street Network Data

Firstly, we must acquire information about the transport network. There are a few sources of this, but we shall use the BBBikes website to ingest London-specific OpenStreetMap extracts. The required data should be in protocol buffer (.pbf) format.

Exercise 1

Find the appropriate url that points to the london.osm.pbf file. Ingest the data and store at an appropriate location.

Either using python requests or subprocess with the curl command, request the url of the pbf file and output the response to a data folder.


Show the code
# As the osm files are large, I will use a tmp directory, though feel free to
# store the data wherever you like.
tmp = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
osm_pth = os.path.join(, "london.osm.pbf")
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0 45  103M   45 47.4M    0     0  43.0M      0  0:00:02  0:00:01  0:00:01 43.0M100  103M  100  103M    0     0  49.8M      0  0:00:02  0:00:02 --:--:-- 49.8M
CompletedProcess(args=['curl', '', '-o', '/var/folders/qc/rrswmfbx1_v0sxklq1kr28jw0000gp/T/tmprnd4etkn/london.osm.pbf'], returncode=0)

Bike Charging Station Locations

Exercise 2

To get data about the bike charging stations in London, we will query Transport for London’s BikePoint API.

  • Explore the site and find the correct endpoint to query.
  • The tutorial requires the following fields: station ID, the human-readable name, latitude and longitude for each available station.
  • Store the data in a geopandas geodataframe with the appropriate coordinate reference system.
  • Inspect the head of the geodataframe.
  1. Using the requests package, send a get request to the endpoint.
  2. Store the required fields in a list: “id”, “commonName”, “lat”, “lon”.
  3. Check that the response returned HTTP status 200. If True, get the content in JSON format.
  4. Create an empty list to store the station data.
  5. Iterate through the content dictionaries. If a key is present within the required fields, store the key and value within a temporary dictionary.
  6. Append the dictionary of required fields and their values to the list of stations.
  7. Convert the list of dictionaries to a pandas dataframe. Then convert this to a geopandas geodataframe, using the coordinate reference system “EPSG:4326”. As we have lat and lon in separate columns, use geopandas points_from_xy(), ensuring you pass values in the order of longitude, latitude.
  8. Print out the head of the stations gdf.


Show the code
resp = requests.get(ENDPOINT)
if resp.ok:
    content = resp.json()
    raise requests.exceptions.HTTPError(
        f"{resp.status_code}: {resp.reason}"

needed_keys = ["id", "commonName", "lat", "lon"]
all_stations = list()
for i in content:
    node_dict = dict()
    for k, v in i.items():
        if k in needed_keys:
            node_dict[k] = v

stations = pd.DataFrame(all_stations)
station_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
    geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(stations["lon"], stations["lat"]),

id commonName lat lon geometry
0 BikePoints_1 River Street , Clerkenwell 51.529163 -0.109970 POINT (-0.10997 51.52916)
1 BikePoints_2 Phillimore Gardens, Kensington 51.499606 -0.197574 POINT (-0.19757 51.49961)
2 BikePoints_3 Christopher Street, Liverpool Street 51.521283 -0.084605 POINT (-0.08460 51.52128)
3 BikePoints_4 St. Chad's Street, King's Cross 51.530059 -0.120973 POINT (-0.12097 51.53006)
4 BikePoints_5 Sedding Street, Sloane Square 51.493130 -0.156876 POINT (-0.15688 51.49313)

That’s all the external data needed for this tutorial. Let’s now examine the station locations.

Station Density

As the stations are densely located in and around central London, a standard matplotlib point map would suffer from overplotting. A better way is to present some aggregated value on a map, such as density.

Exercise 3

Plot the density of cycle station locations on a map. The solution will use pydeck, but any visualisation library that can handle geospatial data would be fine.

  1. Create a pydeck hexagon layer based on the station_gdf. The hexagon layer should be configured as below:
  • extruded
  • position from lon and lat columns
  • elevation scale is 100
  • elevation range from 0 through 100
  • coverage is 1
  • radius of hexagons is 250 metres
  1. Create a pydeck view state object to control the initial position of the camera. Configure this as you see fit.
  2. (Optional) Add a custom tooltip, clarifying that the hexagon elevation is equal to the count of stations within that area. You may wish to consult the documentation to help implement this.
  3. Create a deck with the hexagon layer, custom view state, tooltip and a map style of your choosing.


Show the code
# pydeck visuals - concentration of charging stations by r250m hex
layer = pdk.Layer(
    get_position=["lon", "lat"],
    elevation_range=[0, 100],
    radius=250,  # in metres, default is 1km
        [255, 255, 178, 130],
        [254, 217, 118, 130],
        [254, 178, 76, 130],
        [253, 141, 60, 130],
        [240, 59, 32, 130],
        [189, 0, 38, 130],
    ], # optionally added rgba values to allow transparency
view_state = pdk.ViewState(
    # longitude=-0.140,# value for iframe
    longitude=-0.070,# value for code chunk
    # zoom=10, # value for iframe
    zoom=10.5, # value for code chunk
tooltip = {"html": "<b>n Stations:</b> {elevationValue}"}
r = pdk.Deck(
    tooltip=tooltip, # prettier than default tooltip

Generate Destinations

We can use the bike stations as journey origins. To compute travel times, we need to generate destination locations. This tutorial uses a simple approach to generating equally spaced points within a user-defined bounding box.


Generating a point plane is a fast way to get a travel time matrix. However, this is naive to locations that the riders would prefer to start or finish their journeys. A more robust approach would be to use locations of retail or residential features. The European Commission’s Global Human Settlement Layer [2] data would provide centroids to every populated grid cell down to a 10m2 resolution.

Exercise 4

Write a function called create_point_grid() that will take the following parameters:

  • bbox_list expecting a bounding box list in [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] format with epsg:4326 longitude & latitude values.
  • stepsize expecting a positive integer, specifying the spacing of the grid points in metres.

create_point_grid() should return a geopandas geodataframe of equally spaced point locations - the point grid. The grid point locations should be in epsg:4326 projection. The geodataframe requires a geometry column and an id column equal to the index of the dataframe (required for r5py origin:destination matrix calculation).

Once you are happy with the function, use it to produce an example geodataframe and explore() a folium map of the point grid.

Note that epsg:4326 is a geodetic projection, unsuitable for measuring distance between points in the point plane. Ensure that the crs is re-projected to an appropriate planar crs for distance calculation.

  1. Store the South-West and North-East coordinates as shapely.geometry.Point objects.
  2. Use pyproj.Transformer.from_crs() to create 2 transformers, one from geodetic to planar, and the other back from planar to geodetic.
  3. Use the transformers to convert the SW and NE points from geodetic to planar.
  4. Use nested loops to iterate over the area between the corner points. Store the point location as a shapely.geometry.Point object. Append the point to a list of grid points.
  5. Increment the x and y values by the provided stepsize and continue to append points in this fashion until xmin has reached the xmax value and ymin has met the ymax value.
  6. Ensure the stored coordinates are converted back to epsg:4326.
  7. Create a pandas dataframe with the geometry column using the appended point locations and an id column that uses the range() function to generate a unique integer value for each row.
  8. Use the defined function with a sample bounding box and explore the resulting geodataframe with an interactive folium map.


Show the code
def create_point_grid(bbox_list: list, stepsize: int) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame:
    """Create a metric point plane for a given bounding box.

    Return a geodataframe of evenly spaced points for a specified bounding box.
    Distance between points is controlled by stepsize in metres.  As
    an intermediate step requires transformation to epsg:27700, the calculation
    of points is suitable for GB only.

    bbox_list : list
        A list in xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax order. Expected to be in epsg:4326.
        Use or similar to export a bbox.
    stepsize : int
        Spacing of grid points in metres. Must be larger than zero.

        GeoDataFrame in epsg:4326 of the point locations.

        bbox_list is not type list.
        Coordinates in bbox_list are not type float.
        step_size is not type int.
        bbox_list is not length 4.
        xmin is greater than or equal to xmax.
        ymin is greater than or equal to ymax.
        step_size is not a positive integer.

    # defensive checks
    if not isinstance(bbox_list, list):
        raise TypeError(f"bbox_list expects a list. Found {type(bbox_list)}")
    if not len(bbox_list) == 4:
        raise ValueError(f"bbox_list expects 4 values. Found {len(bbox_list)}")
    for coord in bbox_list:
        if not isinstance(coord, float):
            raise TypeError(
                f"Coords must be float. Found {coord}: {type(coord)}"
    # check points are ordered correctly
    xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = bbox_list
    if xmin >= xmax:
        raise ValueError(
            "bbox_list value at pos 0 should be smaller than value at pos 2."
    if ymin >= ymax:
        raise ValueError(
            "bbox_list value at pos 1 should be smaller than value at pos 3."
    if not isinstance(stepsize, int):
        raise TypeError(f"stepsize expects int. Found {type(stepsize)}")
    if stepsize <= 0:
        raise ValueError("stepsize must be a positive integer.")

    # Set up crs transformers. Need a planar crs for work in metres - use BNG
    planar_transformer = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(4326, 27700)
    geodetic_transformer = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(27700, 4326)
    # bbox corners
    sw = Point((xmin, ymin))
    ne = Point((xmax, ymax))
    # Project corners to planar
    planar_sw = planar_transformer.transform(sw.x, sw.y)
    planar_ne = planar_transformer.transform(ne.x, ne.y)
    # Iterate over metric plane
    points = []
    x = planar_sw[0]
    while x < planar_ne[0]:
        y = planar_sw[1]
        while y < planar_ne[1]:
            p = Point(geodetic_transformer.transform(x, y))
            y += stepsize
        x += stepsize
    df = pd.DataFrame({"geometry": points, "id": range(0, len(points))})
    gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df, crs=4326)
    return gdf

  bbox_list=[-0.5917,51.2086,0.367,51.7575], stepsize=5000).explore(min_zoom=9)
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook

Study Area Size

Before we go ahead with the transport modelling, it is important to check that the point plane is large enough to contain a 30 minute journey from any of the stations. 30 minutes is the current charging interval for the pay as you ride options [3]. Note that making the point plane larger or the step size smaller means more travel times to calculate, so there is a compromise to be met. Using too small a grid will introduce edge effects [4] and therefore limit the validity of the study.

Exercise 5

Check that the point plane study area is large enough to accommodate an estimation of reachable area from the station locations.

Part 1

  1. Create a point_plane object with create_point_grid() that has a bounding box of your choosing. Use a stepsize of 1000 metres.
  2. Get the boundary polygon of this point plane. This is the study area.
  3. Buffer the bike station locations. This buffered area should represent the reachable area from within a 30 minute ride of any station and a presumed average urban cycle speed of 18 kilometres per hour (an opinionated speed based on a sample of one overweight, middle-aged man’s Strava data). Store the geometry as a Polygon object.
  4. Check that the study area completely contains the buffered stations.

Part 2

Create a diagnostic plot displaying the station locations, buffered station polygon and study area polygon together on one map.

Part 1

For this exercise, you may find the Klokantech bounding box tool useful. Ensure that the output is formatted as csv.

  1. Create a point plane of your choosing. Use the total_bounds attribute to extract values for minx, miny, maxx, maxy.
  2. Use shapely.geometry.Polygon to convert the 4 values above into a rectangular bounding box.
  3. Re-project the stations geodataframe to a planar crs. Buffer this geodataframe by an appropriate value in metres, convert back to epsg:4326 and store the unary union.
  4. Check that the study area polygon completely contains the buffered station polygon by using an appropriately named GeoDataFrame method.

Part 2

  1. Plot the stations gdf using marker values “o”, an alpha of 0.5, markersize of 10 and red colour. Store in a variable called ax.
  2. Plot the study area boundary polygon, ensuring the ax value from the previous step is used. Use an alpha of 0.2.
  3. Add a plot of the buffered stations to the same axes, ensuring a colour “red” and an alpha of 0.2.
  4. Use contextily to add a basemap to the axes, selecting an appropriate crs value and tile provider.
  5. Use matplotlib.pyplot to show the plot.


Part 1

Show the code
point_plane = create_point_grid(
    [-0.4, 51.35, 0.15, 51.65], stepsize=1000
# Get a boundary polygon for the study area
minx, miny, maxx, maxy = point_plane.total_bounds
bbox_polygon = gpd.GeoSeries(
    [Polygon([(minx, miny), (minx, maxy), (maxx, maxy), (maxx, miny)])]
# buffer the stations by presumed urban cycle speed of 18 kph
station_buffer = gpd.GeoSeries(
cond = bbox_polygon.contains(station_buffer)[0]
  f"Point grid contains buffered stations? {cond}")
Point grid contains buffered stations? True

Part 2

Show the code
ax = station_gdf.plot(marker="o", color="red", alpha=0.5, markersize=10)
# plot the bounding box of the point plane boundary in blue
bbox_polygon.plot(ax=ax, alpha=0.2, edgecolor="black")
# plot the buffered potential travel region around the stations
# in light red
station_buffer.plot(ax=ax, alpha=0.2, color="red")
    ax,, source=ctx.providers.CartoDB.Positron

With a study area adequately encompassing the proposed reachable area, proceed to the transport routing.


As we have created a point plane naive to the transport network, it is important to check that the points are reachable by bike. Any point falling within an inaccessible portion of the transport network will report a null travel time. r5py comes with a utility function that helps to ‘snap’ unreachable locations to the nearest feature of the travel network.

Exercise 6

Part 1

Using the r5py quickstart documentation, instantiate a transport_network object, passing osm_pth as its single argument.

Part 2

  1. Now using the r5py advanced use section, create a new column in the point_plane gdf called snapped_geometry.
  2. Use the correct method of the transport_network to adjust the existing geometry column.
  3. Use a maximum search radius of 500 metres and specify the bicycle modality. Inspect the resulting geodataframe.

Part 3

Now that we have a point plane with a routable geography, we can check to ensure that the maximum search radius was observed.

  1. Calculate the haversine distance in metres between the original geometry and the snapped_geometry coordinates.
  2. Assign the result to point_plane["snap_dist_m"].
  3. Inspect the distribution of the snap_dist_m column. Confirm that there are no values above the maximum search radius value.

Part 1

  1. r5py is imported as r5py. You can inspect the available classes by using the dir() function.

Part 2

  1. Use dir() on the transport_network object instantiated in part 1 to find the appropriate method for snapping the coordinates to the nearest network feature.
  2. Specify the radius argument with an appropriate value.
  3. For the street_mode argument, select the appropriate r5py transport mode. To find this value, use dir(r5py.TransportMode).

Part 3

  1. The haversine function is imported. Unfortunately, it expects coordinates to be in a latitude, longitude order.
  2. Apply a lambda function across every row in the point_plane GeoDataFrame. You will need to specify axis=1 to achieve this.
  3. Within the lambda function, calculate the haversine distance in metres between the original coordinates and the snapped_geometry coordinates. Assign the output to the correctly named column.
  4. Inspect the distribution of the haversine distances in whichever way you feel. Can you confirm that no coordinate was adjusted beyond the maximum search radius used when you instantiated the snapped_geometry column?


Part 1

Show the code
transport_network = r5py.TransportNetwork(osm_pth)

This may seem like a small step, but if this passed, then you have correctly configured your Java Virtual Machine.

Part 2

Show the code
point_plane["snapped_geometry"] = transport_network.snap_to_network(
geometry id snapped_geometry
0 POINT (-0.40000 51.35000) 0 POINT (-0.40010 51.34960)
1 POINT (-0.39463 51.34995) 1 POINT (-0.39420 51.34960)
2 POINT (-0.38926 51.34990) 2 POINT (-0.38927 51.35027)
3 POINT (-0.38390 51.34985) 3 POINT (-0.38468 51.35024)
4 POINT (-0.37853 51.34980) 4 POINT (-0.37851 51.34984)

Part 3

Show the code
# reverse the lonlat to latlon
point_plane["snap_dist_m"] = point_plane.apply(
    lambda row:haversine(
        (row["geometry"].y, row["geometry"].x),
        (row["snapped_geometry"].y, row["snapped_geometry"].x),
        unit=Unit.METERS), axis=1)

    title="Distribution of coordinate snap distance in point plane (m)"

Here we can confirm that the distribution of the haversine distances is strongly right-skewed. There appear to be no values greater than 450 metres.

count    5871.000000
mean       42.857620
std        56.671823
min         0.013986
25%        11.194528
50%        24.091469
75%        48.486417
max       491.635701
Name: snap_dist_m, dtype: float64

In describing the column we can observe the actual maximum haversine distance of 492 metres. Note the differences in the mean and median are attributable to the strong skew in the distance distribution.

The spatial adjustment caused by the snapping can be visualised. This is useful for sanity-checking and edge-case investigation.

Exercise 7

Part 1

  1. Create a deep copy of the point_plane geodataframe and assign to a new object called largest_snaps.
  2. Retrieve the rows with the largest 100 snap_dist_m values. Visualising the points is expensive, so we will only display a subset.
  3. Apply a lambda function over largest_snaps, creating a LineString between each geometry and snapped_geometry value. This will be used to draw a line between each point on a map.
  4. Assign the output to largest_snaps["lines"].
  5. Inspect the head of the resultant geodataframe.

Part 2

  1. Plot largest_snaps on a folium map. Add a marker layer with red icons showing the locations of the original point plane geometry.
  2. Add a second marker layer to the same folium map, adding the snapped geometry with a green marker.
  3. Add the final layer to the map - the lines connecting the geometries to their snapped equivalents.
  4. Show the map.

Part 1

  1. Sort ascending the largest_snaps geodataframe by snap_dist_m. Take the top 100 records only.
  2. LineString takes 2 arguments, a start and end point coordinate.
  3. Apply the LineString logic over each row in the geodataframe, ensuring the axis argument is set to 1.
  4. For each row, pass the geometry column value to LineString as the first argument, and the snapped_geometry value as the second.
  5. Assign the returned value to an appropriately named column.

Part 2

This exercise will exploit the kwargs available through the GeoDataFrame.explore() method. Alternatively, the map can be built from scratch using the folium library.

  1. Call explore on largest_snaps, specifying a “marker” marker_type. Use the marker_kwds parameter to pass a dictionary specifying which font-awesome icon to use for the geometry points. Assign the map to imap.
  2. Set the geometry to the snapped_geometry column and repeat the above process, this time specifying green markers for the points. Ensure the m parameter is set to imap in order to add this to the same map object.
  3. Lastly, set the geometry to the lines column and explore, again setting m=imap to add the line geometries to the interactive map. Specify an appropriate zoom level.
  4. Show the map and explore the adjusted geometries.


Part 1

Show the code
largest_snaps = point_plane.copy(deep=True)
# retrieve the top 100 rows where coordinates adjusted by the greatest dist.
largest_snaps = largest_snaps.sort_values(
    by="snap_dist_m", ascending=False).head(100)
# create the LineString geometry
largest_snaps["lines"] = largest_snaps.apply(
    lambda row: LineString([row["geometry"], row["snapped_geometry"]]),
geometry id snapped_geometry snap_dist_m lines
825 POINT (-0.39423 51.39259) 825 POINT (-0.39746 51.39652) 491.635701 LINESTRING (-0.39423 51.39259, -0.39746 51.39652)
5388 POINT (-0.22671 51.62509) 5388 POINT (-0.22553 51.62089) 473.637347 LINESTRING (-0.22671 51.62509, -0.22553 51.62089)
5557 POINT (0.12522 51.62996) 5557 POINT (0.11988 51.62753) 457.484858 LINESTRING (0.12522 51.62996, 0.11988 51.62753)
5839 POINT (-0.01873 51.64566) 5839 POINT (-0.02477 51.64732) 455.327799 LINESTRING (-0.01873 51.64566, -0.02477 51.64732)
5632 POINT (-0.02407 51.63508) 5632 POINT (-0.03049 51.63476) 444.667055 LINESTRING (-0.02407 51.63508, -0.03049 51.63476)

Part 2

Show the code
# layer 1
z_start = 9
imap = largest_snaps.explore(
        "icon":"red", icon="ban", prefix="fa"),
        "center": {"lat": 51.550, "lng": -0.070}
# layer 2
imap = largest_snaps.set_geometry("snapped_geometry").explore(
        "icon":"green", icon="bicycle", prefix="fa"),
# layer 3
imap = largest_snaps.set_geometry("lines").explore(
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook

Travel Times

Now that we have everything we need to carry out the transport routing, there is one final adjustment to the point plane - ensure that the snapped geometries are set as the geometry column. The snapped distance and original geometry column can be removed.

point_plane.drop(columns=["geometry", "snap_dist_m"], axis=1, inplace=True)
point_plane.rename(columns={"snapped_geometry": "geometry"}, inplace=True)
point_plane.set_geometry("geometry", inplace=True)
id geometry
0 0 POINT (-0.40010 51.34960)
1 1 POINT (-0.39420 51.34960)
2 2 POINT (-0.38927 51.35027)
3 3 POINT (-0.38468 51.35024)
4 4 POINT (-0.37851 51.34984)

Compute the Travel Time Matrix

Now we use r5py to compute the travel times from the station locations to the adjusted point plane.

Some notes on the parameters:

  • transport_modes takes a list of modes. For simplicity, only BICYCLE is used, though combining with WALK would allow routing through portions of the travel network tagged as pedestrian-only.
  • departure_time takes a datetime that signifies the first trip start time and date. This should ideally match the date that you ingested the osm file, as the osm files will best represent the real-world state of the transport network.
  • departure_time_window creates a time window to carry out routing operations. The first journey occurs at 8am, as specified by departure. Then r5py processes a journey at every minute until the departure_time_window is met. By default, r5py returns the median travel time across these journeys. This feature provides stable statistics, particularly when working with bus or train timetable data.
  • The points can be snapped during the computation job, by specifying snap_to_network=True. As we have already specified how to do this, we can set this to False.
  • max_time takes a timedelta object. Here we specify that the journeys should take no longer than 30 minutes, as this is the current hire charge period for the bikes.
  • The compute_travel_times method returns a pandas DataFrame of median travel times for every origin, destination combination.

This step can be expensive, depending on the size of your point plane. Don’t be alarmed by NaN in the travel_time column. These are points in the point plane that were not reachable from any bike station.

dept_time =, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)

travel_time_matrix = r5py.TravelTimeMatrixComputer(

from_id to_id travel_time
2938 BikePoints_1 2938 29.0
2939 BikePoints_1 2939 28.0
3038 BikePoints_1 3038 29.0
3039 BikePoints_1 3039 29.0
3040 BikePoints_1 3040 30.0

Feature Engineering

In order to produce some informative visuals, the travel time matrix will need some summarisation and feature engineering.

Exercise 8

Produce a table called med_tts with the following spec:

id                       int64
geometry              geometry
median_tt              float64
n_stations_serving       int16
n_stations_norm        float64
inverted_med_tt        float64
listed_geom             object

Part 1

  1. Calculate the median travel time for every point in the point plane across the stations, call the column median_tt.
  2. Calculate the number of bike stations that can reach each point in the point plane. Ensure that this column is formatted as “int16” and is called n_stations_serving.
  3. Join the medians and number of stations to point_plane on to_id.

Part 2

  1. Use a minmax scaler to scale the number of stations serving each point in the point plane. Assign this to med_tts["n_stations_norm"].
  2. Calculate inverteded values for the median travel time. Use the same scaling as the previous step and assign to med_tts["inverted_med_tt"].
  3. Create a column with a list of the coordinate for each row, in [long, lat] order. This is the geometry format expected by pydeck. Assign this to med_tts["listed_geom"].

Part 1

  1. To create the median travel times across bike stations, group by the to_id column and calculate the median.
  2. To get the number of stations reaching each point, group by the to_id column and count the number of from_id values.
  3. Join the above grouped dataframes to the point plane dataframe, using the to_id column as the search key. Ensure the columns are named as specified in the exercise.
  4. Cast n_stations_serving to int16. First, ensure that NaNs get encoded as 0. To do this, create a boolean mask where that column is na and assign the column values that meet that boolean index to 0. Then casting to int will be possible.

Part 2

  1. Instantiate a min_max_scaler using an appropriate class from sklearn.
  2. Reshape the values of n_stations_serving into a 2D numpy array, containing enough rows for each value.
  3. Using the min_max_scaler, transform the numpy array.
  4. Flatten the output of min_max_scaler and assign to a column called n_stations_norm.
  5. Create a new column inverted_med_tt, which subtracts all median_tt values from the maximum value in that column.
  6. Scale inverted_med_tt by repeating steps 2 through 4 for this column.
  7. Use a list comprehension to extract each of the geometry coordinate values as a long,lat list. Assign to listed_geom.


Show the code
def get_median_tts_for_all_stations(
    tt: pd.DataFrame, pp: gpd.GeoDataFrame
) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame:
    """Join travel times point geometries & calculate medians.

    tt : pd.DataFrame
        Matrix of travel times where `from_id` are stations and `to_id` are
        points in the point plane.
    pp : gpd.GeoDataFrame
        Locations in the point plane.

        Point plane locations with median travel times from stations and number
        of stations serving each point.

    #----- Part 1 -----
    # get median travel time from all stations:
    med_tts = tt.groupby("to_id")["travel_time"].median()
    # get number of stations serving each point in the grid
    tt_dropna = tt.dropna()
    n_stations = tt_dropna.groupby("to_id")["from_id"].count()
    df = pp.join(med_tts).join(n_stations)
    df = df.rename(
        columns={"travel_time": "median_tt", "from_id": "n_stations_serving"}
    # need integer for n_stations_serving but there are NaNs
    bool_ind = df["n_stations_serving"].isna()
    df.loc[bool_ind, "n_stations_serving"] = 0.0
    df["n_stations_serving"] = df["n_stations_serving"].astype("int16")
    #----- Part 2 -----
    min_max_scaler = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler()
    x = df["n_stations_serving"].values.reshape(-1, 1)
    x_scaled = min_max_scaler.fit_transform(x)
    df["n_stations_norm"] = pd.Series(x_scaled.flatten())
    max_tt = max(df["median_tt"].dropna())
    df["inverted_med_tt"] = (max_tt - df["median_tt"])
    x = df["inverted_med_tt"].values.reshape(-1, 1)
    x_scaled = min_max_scaler.fit_transform(x)
    df["inverted_med_tt"] = pd.Series(x_scaled.flatten())
    out_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df, crs=4326)
    out_gdf["listed_geom"] = [[c.x, c.y] for c in out_gdf["geometry"]]

    return out_gdf

med_tts = get_median_tts_for_all_stations(travel_time_matrix, point_plane)
id geometry median_tt n_stations_serving n_stations_norm inverted_med_tt listed_geom
1386 1386 POINT (-0.14795 51.41766) 30.0 1 0.002660 0.117647 [-0.1479481, 51.4176588]
1388 1388 POINT (-0.13660 51.41752) 29.0 1 0.002660 0.176471 [-0.1366036, 51.4175184]
1469 1469 POINT (-0.25464 51.42343) 31.0 1 0.002660 0.058824 [-0.2546385, 51.4234283]
1470 1470 POINT (-0.25322 51.42198) 32.0 2 0.005319 0.000000 [-0.2532204, 51.4219807]
1472 1472 POINT (-0.23869 51.42585) 27.5 2 0.005319 0.264706 [-0.2386902, 51.4258517]

As this final GeoDataFrame is all that is required for the remaining tutorial, go ahead and tidy up the environment.

# Tidy up
tmp.cleanup() # only needed if tmp directory used
del [station_gdf, travel_time_matrix, point_plane, transport_network, imap,
largest_snaps, z_start]

Visualise Travel Time

Exercise 9

Using the pydeck scatterplot layer docs, write a function that will take the med_tts GeoDataFrame and plot an interactive map. Use the features available in med_tts to customise the point radius and colour. Use the function to render an interactive map.

Show the code
def make_scatter_deck(
    gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
    radius="(n_stations_norm * 20) + 20",
    start_lon: float=-0.005,
    start_lat: float=51.518,
    start_zoom: Union[int, float]=10,
) -> pdk.Deck:
    """Render a scatterPlotLayer of travel time & number of stations serving.

    Intended for use with output of ./src/ ->

    gdf : gpd.GeoDataFrame
        Table of grid locations and travel time from station locations.
    radius : str, optional
        A valid pydeck get_radius expression, by default
        "(n_stations_norm * 25) + 20"
    start_lon: float, optional
        The starting view longitude, by default -0.110.
    start_lat: float, optional
        The starting view latitude, by default 51.518.
    start_zoom: Union[int, float], optional
        The starting view zoom, by default 10.

        A rendered interactive map.

    # some basic defensive checks
    if not isinstance(gdf, gpd.GeoDataFrame):
        raise TypeError(f"gdf expected gpd.GeoDataFrame, found {type(gdf)}")
    expected_cols = [
    coldiff = sorted(list(set(expected_cols).difference(gdf.columns)))
    if coldiff:
        raise AttributeError(f"Required column names are absent: {coldiff}")
    gdf = gdf.rename(columns={"n_stations_serving": "n_stats"})
    # create deck layers
    layer = pdk.Layer(
        get_fill_color="[255,(median_tt * 255), (inverted_med_tt * 255)]",
        get_line_color="[255,(median_tt * 255), (inverted_med_tt * 255)]",
    # Set the viewport location
    view_state = pdk.ViewState(
    tooltip = {
        "text": "Stations serving: {n_stats}\nMdn travel time: {median_tt}"
    # Render
    r = pdk.Deck(
        layers=[layer], initial_view_state=view_state, tooltip=tooltip
    return r

r = make_scatter_deck(med_tts)

Take some time to study the map. Pan in and out by scrolling. The angle of the map can be adjusted by shift + clicking and dragging the mouse left to right. Find the point with the greatest number of stations serving. Look for any curious patterns in the median travel time. Take a look at the Greenwich peninsula, where the River Thames appears to limit accessibility from the North.

Exercise 10

Lastly, we can identify those points within the thirty minute reachable area from the bike station network that are the most remote. Let’s visualise the 20 most remote locations. These would represent candidate locations for increasing the coverage of the bike network within the thirty minute reachable zone. Once more, please note that the point grid is naive to locations where people live or would like to travel to and from.

  1. Sort descending the med_tt dataframe on median_tt and n_stations_serving.
  2. Take the top 20 records.
  3. Pass this dataframe to the function you wrote in exercise 9.
Show the code
n_isolated = (
    .sort_values(["median_tt", "n_stations_serving"], ascending=[False, False])
r = make_scatter_deck(n_isolated, radius=50, start_zoom=9.5)


  • Most of the packages used in this tutorial expect the sequence of coordinates to be long, lat. If you select an alternative method for mapping visuals, remember to check that this is consistent. If you are getting empty interactive map visuals, pan out and check if an incorrect coordinate specification has resulted in your points being rendered off the East coast of Africa.
  • The exception to the above rule is haversine, which expects lat, long.


If you made it this far, well done! This tutorial has got you up and running with the r5py package. You have used several libraries in the python GIS stack to execute an analysis of bike station locations in London:

  • Station locations were ingested with TfL’s api.
  • OpenStreetMap data was ingested from the BBBikes download service.
  • A point plane of your size was generated.
  • The coverage of the point plane was inspected.
  • The point plane features were adjusted to the underlying transport network.
  • Median travel times from bike stations to the point plane were calculated.
  • Travel times were summarised and features engineered for presentation in informative pydeck maps.

Next steps for this work would be to explore how potential station locations could be informed by places where people would wish to commute, such as retail, businesses, tourist attractions and residential areas. OpenStreetMap files are a rich source of location data, which can be extracted with libraries such as pyosmium.

Service optimisation is an interesting area of operational research. This analysis does not consider local demand on the stations and their capacity to meet that demand. This sort of problem is known as the capacitated facility location problem and can provide operational efficiencies while improving service quality for the customer.



EC Global Human Settlement Layer.”
I. Yamada, Edge Effects,” International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, pp. 381–388, 2009.